When I started the process to compete I was scared out of my mind! Both Nicole and Kayla were there for every step of the way. It’s not easy competing and prepping for all those weeks especially for someone who had never done anything like that before. The way they set their program up really makes you feel apart of a family, that you’re not going through something alone. Nicole and Kayla were always there to answer any questions I had along the way and also provided support and encouragement every step of the way. I am so grateful for the two of these ladies; without there support, encouragement, and tools/tips for competing I would have never become a WBFF Pro- it’s because of them I was able to accomplish my goals way beyond my original expectations. Body Rock is truly an amazing place! I recommend it to anyone, male or female who wants to make a change in there lifestyle and see results OR anyone who wants to compete- what Nicole and Kayla offer- you’re not going to find anything close to that anywhere around here. They aren’t just Personal trainers or competition coaches or fitness instructors; they’re family and they make you feel that way in return.
I joined Body Rock a little over a year ago. I always tried to be a healthy and fit person, going to the gym and trying to eat healthy, but I always wanted more from my workouts. Before body rock I was approached by a person at my gym who told me that I had the body type of a competitor and asked if I had ever wanted to compete and that would train me. I always had it on my bucket list to do a fitness show so I agreed. This person showed my the basics of lifting weights; something I had been to scared to do on my own. They also gave me a diet to follow which was horrible, had no measurements and no structure and so many grammatical errors I thought a 5 year old wrote it. I went along with him for a few months only for them to randomly stop returning my calls and texts about training times. I felt stuck I got so excited about competing and starting to really enjoy weight lifting but no one to help me along the way. All my friends and anyone I knew in the fitness industry kept telling me to talk to Nicole and go to Body Rock. Finally after a few weeks of working up enough courage to make the call (really I was scared and nervous) I made the call and signed up for personal training and I haven’t looked back since. The only regret I have is not making the call sooner. Body Rock has changed my life! Nicole and Kayla have opened my eyes to what a healthy lifestyle really is. The personal training sessions are great- it’s not what most people think, it’s not about lifting heavy weights, but rather using your own body resistance in different exercises that challenges you but is also something you would be able to do at the gym or from the luxury of home.