Many of our clients know Sherie Salvatore as Nicole Costa’s sister, but this month we know her as our pick for Body Rocker of The Month March 2016!! After having two beautiful little girls and struggling, like most moms do, to find balance between work, family and Mommy Time, Sherie finally found her groove and is transforming right before our eyes! She kicked off her transformation with Advocare’s 24 Day Challenge, shedding nearly 15 lbs and has not stopped since. She’s a regular face now at Body Rock and has shown such dedication and discipline!! “It’s been so rewarding to see my sister smile more, have more energy and be more involved in Body Rock. When she puts her mind to something, she works harder than anybody I know. I’m so incredibly proud of her.” says Coach Costa about her sister Sherie. If you see her around Body Rock go ahead and give her a big high five!! Congratulations Sherie! We’re all so proud of you!